IFC Bridge Italian Workgroup – Phase1 Report
La trasformazione digitale del processo edilizio ha creato molte opportunità ma ha fornito anche sfide che possono essere affrontate solo attraverso un organismo internazionale impegnato a creare e diffondere standard comuni.
buildingSMART è la risposta a questa esigenza, organizzando le attività di sviluppo standard in gruppi di lavoro internazionali che partecipano alle Room, diversificate sia per tipologia di asset (edifici Vs infrastrutture) che per fase del ciclo di vita dell’asset (progettazione, costruzione, manutenzione ecc.).
Diventare socio del capitolo Italiano buildingSMART Italia – IBIMI permette di sfruttare una serie di iniziative utili ad un più facile ed efficace inserimento nei tavoli di lavoro internazionali e diventa un’opportunità per le aziende – proprietari, architetti, ingegneri, costruttori, subappaltatori e operatori – per diventare i leader del futuro.
Thanks to all the participants of the first webinar of the
IFC Bridge Italian Working Group!
The IFC Bridge Project
In case you missed it, find a brief summary below.
The Italian chapter of bSI has a working group (WG) dedicated to studying, testing and challenging the application of IFC 4.2 to two significant bridge cases. The WG is made of major clients (National highway and railway companies), designers, universities and software vendors.
The webinar has presented the group, its members and expertise; the adopted methodology and the results of the first phase of this WG. We also assisted to a constructive Q&A session at the end of the presentations, proving the interest of the audience.
Listen the recording for further details!
Il Capitolo Italiano di buildingSMART ha dedicato un gruppo di lavoro allo studio, testing e applicazione dello standard IFC 4.2 a due casi significativi di ponti italiani. Il gruppo di lavoro era composto da grandi stakeholders (società stradali e ferroviarie), progettisti, università e software vendors.
Il webinar ha voluto raccontare il gruppo, i diversi componenti e le expertise coinvolte; la metodologia adottata e i risultati della prima fase di progetto del GdL. Al termine della presentazione è stata inoltre condotta una sessione Q&A che ha testimoniato il grande interesse suscitato e la qualità dei contenuti proposti.
Per maggiori dettagli consultate video e slide al termine dell’articolo!
The IFC Bridge Italian Working Group team

An amazing group of people, with different expertise, were part of the group. Everyone played a key role to achieve the results of this first phase. In fact, all of them enjoyed the project and will be onboard for the upcoming phase 2. See the end of the article for a complete list of experts and companies.

Very important for the success of the first phase was a well-defined methodology. First, the WG studied and understood the 4.2 Candidate Standard, including the additions proposed by the international project (IFC Bridge). At this point, two bridges were identified as case studies for the testing activities; they are (A) an existing arched masonry bridge and (B) a girder steel-concrete bridge to be built. (see the image above for an overview of the two bridges). Then, the IFC entities were identified, a modelling plan was drafted, and the models were produced. The IFC mapping came next. Finally, all the challenges faced during the whole process have been captured in a Report of Issues & Solutions.
Issues have been categorized by their causes (IFC classification issues; Modelling or tool/implementation issues), an example of the report is captured in the image below.


Further steps of the WG will be part of a Phase 2. These include: a review of the newly released IFC 4.3 Candidate Standard, to adapt the Phase 1 results accordingly; the development of further use cases; a collaboration with the French group MINnd. Finally, a dissemination of the WG’s results will be a constant effort. Which means:
Get in touch with the group and stay tuned!
Visit our website for the active Italian Working Groups
Recordings available here
All materials displayed by Xenia Fiorentini and Rachele Angela Bernardello are linked here
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